
Say, My Lord, grant me more knowledge” – Al Qur’an 20:114

For people who think, this exhortation in the Qur’an highlights the importance of knowledge and the need to continually seek knowledge throughout one’s life. 

The Australian National Islamic Library (ANIL) at the Canberra Islamic Centre houses an extensive collection of books on Islam and Muslims in the southern hemisphere. It is a valuable resource to explore the rich history and traditions of Islam and Muslims. ANIL is essentially a research and reference library.

The collection covers a diverse range of topics such as comparative religions, history and politics of Islamic nations, Islamic history, Hadith, and literature and culture, and more. 

ANIL is a member of Libraries Australia and participates in the Australian Inter-Library Lending scheme. Members of the public can borrow books from ANIL by putting their request through their local public library

Our library is run by volunteers and is open to people of all ages and backgrounds interested in Islam or Muslims. Our staff can assist with finding and accessing resources, answering questions, and providing advice. 

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